Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On Not Giving Up

Yes, the "23 Things @ Neflin" deadline is past.

No, I am not giving up. :-) Onward, onward!

I did have every intention of staying up-to-date with the "things" and of finishing on time, but life happened. Life in the form of high school student drama, painful budget cuts, the Miss Clay High pageant (who knew I'd ever have a role in this event??), and various other ups and downs. Something had to give.

But I'm finding myself 21 days away from summer vacation and enjoying a bit of a breather from the craziness of school, so I'm back at it. My hope is to finish my 23 Things by the end of school and to begin the summer with the skills needed to add some new depth to our library program next year. Either that or I will stumble to my car on June 5th, drive home in a daze, and spend several days staring at the wall in shock and trying to recover from this eventful and somewhat insane year. One or the other. :-)